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Holiday 2011 Run-Up: AdWords Trademark Issues & Ad Copy

Over the last 2 days we've given you ideas for targeting Pandora jewelry in your AdWords ads. Since the price point on Pandora is so low, the product lends itself nicely for gift givers on a limited budget. We're going to continue talking about Pandora today but before we give you specific ad ideas, we need to offer you some advice on Google AdWords trademark policies.

The procedure explained below will work for any vendor, not only Pandora.

Google AdWords monitors ads and will automatically disqualify and disable them when found to violate a trademark. It doesn't matter if you are a Pandora "Gold Store" or a "Silver Store," you are still not allowed to use the name "Pandora" in your AdWords ads without some type of permission.

Permission is easy to achieve if, and only if, you have a written contract with Pandora. Within that written contract you need some type of clause that stipulates you are granted permission to use the Pandora name in your marketing.

With that contract in hand you can proceed to create your AdWords ads, and you should expect to receive a trademark infringement email from Google's automated system. In case you don't know, Google doesn't have an official tech support department. Google relies on their partners to take care of all tech support issues. However, within that email there will be directions for contacting the AdWords team through an online form. You will need to use that form to contact them to explain your reseller status and provide a copy of your contract.

The process is sticky, but you will get approval through this method. The AdWords team might suggest contacting Pandora directly for authorization, but that shouldn't be needed with the signed paper contract you already have.

Ads that present comparisons of products, along with landing pages that explicitly show the comparisons should not violate trademarks. For example if your ad says "Compare features of Pandora & Chamilia beads," you would have to point that to a landing page with a feature write-up between the two brands. This ad approach is more education, and editorial based and so far Google is allowing it.

Okay, now that the sticky trademark process is out of the way, let's talk about how to actually write those holiday ads to attract the attention of the gift giver rather than the gift recipient.

There are at least 2 phases to the holiday AdWords cycle. In the early phase, a gift giver will spend more time trying to decide on the gift with the best value at their predetermined budget. They won't be thinking of things like "genuine Pandora jewelry" or "all beads and charms in stock."

Instead you should focus on the goals of the gift giver:
"Make her Face Light Up with a Limited Pandora Christmas 2011 Bead"
"Give the Best Pandora Bead Gift"
"Pandora Gifts for Her to Light Up the Holiday"
"Pandora Bead Gifts She Will Love"
"Best Pandora Bead Gift Ideas"

Hopefully you can see how each of those examples refer back to our discussion from yesterday. Click here to read it:

Along with your researched keyword strategy you should also offer to help the gift giver; after all, they are shopping according to a budget, not because they know what they are doing.

"Browse for the Best Pandora Gift Ideas"
"Pandora bead gifts under $50 that she will appreciate."

About half way through December, the gift giver's mentality changes and we enter what's considered the second phase of the holiday AdWords cycle. This would be the week of Green Monday and Free Shipping Day. For 2011, those dates are December 12th and December 16th.

Now the pressure is on. Time is running out and the best value of a gift will not be as important as spending their budget and getting a gift wrapped and ready. Your ads need to shift to phrases like:

"Not too late to get it for Xmas"
"All Beads and Charms in Stock! Delivery before Xmas"
"Get Last Minute Pandora Beads on Time. Overnight Shipping"

The topic of our next Holiday AdWords Nugget will be how to package holiday bundles for higher perceived value sales. See you tomorrow!
AT: 10/19/2011 01:10:32 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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