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Business Boosting Twitter Basics for Jewelry Stores

Twitter is one of those things you either understand, or not. The application for use in customers service and brand-building are more obvious for large companies than for retail jewelry stores. But still, if you put some effort forth, Twitter can be another small way to build your jewelry store business.

This will help improve your business with a little of your time every day, or you can decide to outsource the job to someone else.

Twitter boasts more than 340 Million tweet per day from more than 140 Million active users that use mobile devices, software feeds, and search to find out what's happening in topics they're interested in.

Twitter will gain extra exposure for your business. I consistently measure 10 new website visitors with every tweet that includes a website link. The average jewelry website only receives 45 visitors through organic traffic every day, and you may be lucky to have 8 visitors from your Facebook page every month. But if you send out 4 daily tweets you could almost double your visitor count.

This is a pretty simply way to grow your website visitors. Of course once you get someone to your website you need to track and measure your conversions.

As a jeweler, the easiest ways to get started with Twitter is simply to tweet photos and promote your blog posts. You can download a Twitter app for your smartphone and use it to post an occasional jewelry photo along with a description of the item.

Every time you publish a new blog entry on your website, you should also share a link to that blog along with a brief description through Twitter. Your tweets are limited to 140 characters so you will need to choose your words wisely. Most website links will take at least 12 characters which eats away at your character count.

Users search Twitter by keywords or topics. People will find your jewelry related tweets if you mention common jewelry phrases. If you want to guarantee that your tweets are associated with jewelry then you should use the hashtag feature to identify your tweets.

The hashtag feature is simply typing the # symbol in front of a word, like this: #jewelry

The single word "ring" is associated with too many other topics so I do not suggest using the hashtag #ring in any of your tweets. Do your own search for topics on and see what tags others are using.

Twitter has put a nice introduction micro-site together for you, find it here:
Take some time and read through it and you might just come up with some creative ideas.
AT: 09/14/2012 03:56:15 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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