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Social Networking Logos Meet the Real World

Social networking websites are everywhere and you probably show off several of their well knows icons on your website.

Common icons on many websites now include Twitter, Facebook, Google+, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Customers wishing to engage with you online will follow you through one of those sites.

However there are a few social sites that you should extend out into the real world, and the foot traffic walking buy outside might be equally interested in seeing their "icons" in your front window. Here's my suggested list of sites:

1. Facebook
2. Google+
3. Foursquare
4. Yelp


People walking by your store might not be able to stop in at that moment. Common phrases like "Find us on Facebook" can leave a memory impression. The 4 social sites I've indicated above would give some value to the person walking buy.

Facebook is an easy one for people to get involved with. The common Facebook user will look for you if they are interested, and as long as you are there and using it every day.

Google+ logo won't actually be for your Google+ Page but rather your Google+ Local listing. This will show reviews that people have written about you.

Foursquare will send you a plastic window cling once you've created an account with them. Although Foursquare venues are abundant, the Foursquare window cling isn't. A Foursquare user will take notice and might even check-in. If you have a Newbie Special created you just might catch an unsuspecting new customer.

Yelp is very popular for reviews. The new generation of jewelry buyer know and use Yelp. A public display of Yelp in your window shows that you are willing to accept responsibility of any of the reviews that people leave for you online.


Print the logos in color with the actual website URL below the logo. You could use a URL shortener like to make the websites easier to type into their smartphone. In addition to the shortened URL using, you should also create a QR code for each of your website addresses.

Go to to create QR codes easily and save them to your hard drive. Print them next to each logo. QR code users will understand what they are and will scan them instead of typing your web address.


Put these logo printouts in your window next to or near your store hours. You could also put them next to the Visa/MC/Amex logos.


I've seen many stores with various size logos in their windows already, and several stores with huge window signs that say "Find us on Facebook."

I've even seen several very large QR codes with the Facebook "F" logo inside of it. A QR code user will understand that an "F" branded QR code will lead them to your Facebook page. These large QR codes were more than 12" x 12" with additional branded images and "Scan this to find out more" next to it.

The bottom line is that social networks are not just online any more. As smartphone usage becomes more ubiquitous the social networks will extend back into the real world. Get started with this today.
AT: 09/06/2012 04:26:18 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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