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ROI of TV Commercials Might Be Down, But TV Blogging is Boomin!

A few years ago I remember a Tacori ring was used on the TV show Desperate Housewives. The appearance of this ring caused a measurable spike in search traffic for Tacori rings.

Another time I also caught a recording of the daily talk show The View in a waiting room and saw their presentation of the Debbie Brooks line of handbags. Again, another measurable spike in search traffic was seen.

Time and time again there are casual mentions of jewelry, or even product placement throughout many television shows. I'm not talking about paid commercials, but rather integration in the actual shows that people watch.

Award ceremonies are the typical places to look for the latest clothing and jewelry fashion trends. Many jewelers already blog about who's wearing what at those red carpet events because those are planned in advance. Certainly there are scads of raw blogging materials available there, but there's a lot more also available all year long.

The JIC will sometimes make a guest appearance on a morning talk show. For security reasons, they usually post details of that talk show event to their Facebook shortly after they leave the TV studio. You could blog about their TV appearance and what jewelry they had on display.

Here's a strategy to put all these TV appearances to use on your own jewelry store blog:

1. When you see something jewelry related you need to immediately stop and take some notes. These could be paper notes or by grabbing your smartphone to take a voice memo.

2. Include in your memo a description of the jewelry item, or state the actual designer name and style if you know it.

3. Write down the TV show's name, date, time, and TV channel you saw it.

4. Probably the most important part of your note taking is to write down who was wearing or showing the jewelry. The celebrity's name is what's important here. Celebrities are often searched for online and mention of a single celebrity name can bring loads of visitors. You should also write down the character name, i.e. "Eva Longoria wore a Tacori ring as the character 'Gabrielle' on Desperate Housewives."

At a later time when you get back to your computer you need to take these 4 tidbits of information and mix them up in your own words. This is more than just a who, what, where, when, why report of a TV show, but rather something interesting.

You could write a synopsis of that part of the TV show, including a blurb that says "and he proposed to her with the same Tacori ring (style 1234) that we current carry in the store." Or you could write a review of the entire TV show.

No matter how you spin the story, it will generate new organic traffic for your website all based around the TV show's name and the celebrity name. Once the organic traffic arrives it's up to your other marketing and conversion techniques to turn them into customers.
AT: 07/18/2012 09:39:30 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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