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5 Ways to Attract Jewelry Buyers, 1 Easy Way to Lose Them

Here's a regular routine for the online marketing process of your jewelry website, or brick and mortar jewelry store...

You share status updates on Facebook and hope to gain new fans. Maybe one day those fans will click over to your website to see the jewelry you sell.

You share on Google+ knowing that it will help influence the Google SERP. Maybe one day someone will actually search a phrase you posted on Google+ and click over to your website to see the jewelry you sell.

You create quippy remarks for a 140 character Tweet and flood your Twitter account. You hope that eventually someone will see your #jewelry or #engagement #ring hash tags and click over to your website to see the jewelry you sell.

You set up a WordPress blog and post regular entertainment news or monthly updates about birthstones. This process builds links to your website that people will eventually click in hopes to see the jewelry you sell.

In recent days you now have a account and are pinning everything on to your account. This is a great new way for people to click over to your website to see the jewelry you sell.

These are 5 great methods to increase traffic to your website. You should always strive to get people off those social networks and over to the only place where you can completely control their actions: Your Jewelry Website.

Then, what happens when those would-be customers finally do click over to your website?

We're hoping you have a full product catalog. More than 35% of users want to look at your product catalog.

If you're like many jewelers you probably haven't had the time to populate an online catalog. Instead of a full catalog you can create designer line pages.

A "designer line page" is a dedicated page that presents a romantic description of a single designer. Customers actually love this type of content because it creates human interest and connects the customer with the inspirations and history of the designer.

You should provide a few sample photographs of popular items on each designer line page. Include some type of message so the customer knows that you carry the latest jewelry styles in your store.

Here's what you DO NOT want to do. Never link to external jewelry designer or vendor websites.

We specifically illustrated 5 methods above to show how difficult it is to get customers to your website. If you want to make a sale you need to keep them on your site as long as possible in hopes they will visit your store in person. If you send them away to a designer website you run the risk of losing them to a vendor zip code search that leads to another jeweler that actually sells online.

Today's Daily Golden Nugget: Do not link to your designer's website.
AT: 04/06/2012 10:50:50 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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