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How to Increase Website Visitors to a Jewelry Site Over the Long Term

To follow up from yesterday's proposal location blogging suggestion, today we're giving you 2 more associated blogging ideas.

Our first suggestion is to blog about local locations where a wedding ceremony could be held. This list could include park locations, houses of worship, and even the mayor's office.

The second suggestion is a list of local banquet halls. Include the most upscale venue as well as the local firehouse or rescue squad hall.

You should include as many details about each location as possible, and remember to include a photo since those usually get the most attention by visitors. To get started, you should write one blog entry about each of the most popular places, or perhaps just the places you are most familiar with, then watch your website tracking for about a month.

In your website tracking, you will want to carefully look at the number of visitors that read the page, how many bounced, and what keywords they used to find the page. Assuming your blog entry is well written (rather than spammy) each month you should attract the same number of readers to that blog entry. You might even have more visitors each month until it plateaus.

Naturally the goal here is to attract new visitors to your website through indirect marketing. They might have searched for banquet halls, but before they realized it, they were browsing through your wedding ring catalog.

There is also the possibility that you will win someone as a customer because your website also helped them find their ceremony location and banquet hall.

Not everything on your website should be about selling jewelry. You simply don't know what might attract the most attention to your site. Since Google is always looking for original content these suggestions would certainly produce unique web pages.

Give it a try. You will be surprised with the long term results.
AT: 03/06/2012 11:42:32 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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