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Mobile Device Usage Statistics for Jewelry Sites

In yesterday's Daily Golden Nugget we revealed our findings that 19.9% of visitor traffic to jewelry websites is now using an iPhone, iPad, or Android. The rising popularity of the mobile web is undeniable.

We want to share some additional statistics regarding browser usage. Please note that these statistics are for non-mobile jewelry websites.

These are the average number of website pages consumers look at using these browsers:

Internet Explorer: 4.94
Firefox: 4.84
Chrome: 4.39
Safari iPhone: 3.85
Safari iPad: 3.28
Android: 3.08

These numbers show us that the tolerance level for mobile usage is already pretty high. Users are willing to visit at least 3 pages of a non-mobile website using a mobile device.

Now let's look at the amount of time (in minutes) these same users are willing to spend on the website:

Internet Explorer: 2:30
Firefox: 2:15
Chrome: 1:36
Safari iPhone: 2:18
Safari iPad: 1:34
Android: 1:54

As you can see, the iPhone users are already spending more time than Firefox and Chrome users. At first guess we would say that usability issues are the reason for the higher iPhone usage times. But in order to be sure we need to know the pages these users are looking at.

As it turns out all Safari and Android users will visit the home page of a jewelry website. In fact, for 80% of the sites we tracked, the iPhone was the 2nd most popular browser to visit the home page of each site. IE was the most popular.

Knowing this, you need to make sure your website's home page is usable on a smartphone. Take a look at it yourself on your own smartphone. When you finally do launch a mobile jewelry website you should include a link to your mobile site at the top of your home page.

We still have more mobile reporting to give you, stay tuned for the next Daily Golden Nugget.
AT: 02/24/2012 07:37:24 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
Confused and worried about your mobile website options? Click here to find out how to get your own website evaluation and a game plan to make it better.

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