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Is Your Website Company Limiting Your Advertising?

Meta Descriptions are probably the last thing on your mind when selecting the best website design company to create your jewelry website. But maybe it should be one of the first things.

If you are like most jewelers, you probably asked yourself how someone would find your website when you first created it. People don't just stumble upon your website the day you launch it. In fact you will be lucky to have 40 visitors in that first week unless you advertise the site somehow.

"Will you advertise the website for us?"

That's a common question we've heard through the years, and it's a question you should also be asking your jewelry website designer. Sure, they will offer you extra services for extra money, but before you even consider that, you need to ask them this question...

"Will you block my website advertising?"

That's a pretty crazy question, and any website company would probably be shocked if you asked it. But, by default you probably don't have the ability to create unique Meta Descriptions for every page of your site.

WordPress, Joomla, Drupla, and many other content management systems require extra tuning or modules before you can edit your Meta Descriptions. Don't assume you will have this ability; you must ask your web developer.

Even though the ability to have unique Meta Description seems like an unimportant part of your decision making process, it's one of the features you will need daily after your website launches. And since you will be using it frequently, you should also make sure it's easy enough for you to find and edit.

When your website is finally launched, you will likely hire someone else to manage your search engine optimization and online advertising. One of the first things that person will ask is if you have unique Meta Description ability.

On the other hand, if your existing website does not allow unique descriptions, it is time to upgrade to a different website company.

Tomorrow we'll explain a little bit why these Meta Descriptions are so important.
AT: 01/26/2012 07:03:55 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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