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Avoid the Filtering, Link From Within Content

Linking from one page of your website to another is easy and most of the time your customer will simply use the navigation you've created in the top menu and in the left or right navigation. That's the typical, easy way of doing things.

Another typical website setup is to put information and image into the body of your page. Sounds reasonable to include words and photos in the main content area of every page, right?

As it turns out, Google has a way to identify the typical, template type setups on every website. The Googlebot reads all pages and looks for common structure elements to ignore, then concentrates on the rest. Sure, they use your jewelry website's navigation to discover all your pages, but we see no SEO keyword value coming from the navigation on sites we've analyzed.

Another place we don't really see SEO value is on a jewelry catalog page. This is the page with all those jewelry photos and links to the individual jewelry item detail pages. Again, this is a standardized layout that Google finds on multiple pages. The Googlebot will follow the links to the individual detail pages, but doesn't give much credibility to the large display of thumbnail images.

The links in your navigation and catalog pages do provide page ranking SEO value, but for this Nugget we are concentrating on keyword value. Without keyword value, how would your site rank when someone searches for the keyword "solitaire diamond rings?" Even though your left navigation clearly says "Solitaire Diamond Rings" it won't count much since it's part of the standardized layout.

We do see effective linking when it happens in the body of a page. Since Google is filtering all the standardized layouts, you have to create links throughout your site in places that Google won't filter. That place is the body content.

So, for example, if you want Google to see that dedicated page about Solitaire Diamond Rings, you will need to wrote a blurb about it on your home page. You then link the phrase "solitaire diamond rings" from within that blurb to the solitaire ring page. Assuming the SEO of your solitaire page is well prepared, that link from your home page should be all you need to attract local searchers.

Getting Google to pay attention to your individual products will be a little more difficult. We assume you won't link to each and every item from your home page. However, you can link each item's detail page to the next item's detail page. Normal product catalogs use the words "next" and "previous" to link one detail page to the next. We're suggesting including a descriptive sentence of the next item with a link to it. Keep those next/previous links, but at the bottom of the product detail you should include a single sentence description of the next item that includes a link.

The home page and product catalog page linking suggestions here will take a lot of manual effort since they will probably be impossible to automate. The best SEO tactics simply need a lot of manual time and effort.
AT: 01/16/2012 04:23:03 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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