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Grain of SEO Gold: Update Your Website Often

This is part of our Grain of SEO Gold Series for Jewelers--short SEO tidbits.

Google likes fresh content.

Having large volumes of information on your website is good to help establish your online reputation, and it's good to attract the occasional organic inbound links. But Google rewards websites more now for how often their site is updated or added to rather than the volume of information available.

We're seeing many younger jewelry websites overpower the SERP rankings of older, more established sites that never update their home page or any other page of their site.

Some time ago, one of Google's more publicly recognized employees, Matt Cutts, explained that Googlebot will visit your page several times to gauge how often it changes before giving up and extending the time between visits.

Since trends, styles, and fashions change quickly, Google understands that an older page that talks about jewelry is going to be less important than a newer page. Google also has the ability to read the time stamp from the last time the page was updated.
Make sure you change your jewelry site's home page at least once each month. Another easy monthly change is to add at least 1 blog post to the site. Both of these will keep Google coming back regularly.
AT: 12/14/2011 12:10:38 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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1 Comment on Grain of SEO Gold: Update Your Website Often

Calla Gold said...
This is very good advice. We do want to be topical and we should be up to date on what's happening in the jewelry world.
Updating our site is good discipline for us and good for SEO.
Thanks, Calla Gold
Calla Gold
12/14/2011 at 09:30:53
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