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Grain of SEO Gold: Keyword Clouds are Bad

In honor of this very busy time of year we're going to switch-up our Daily Golden Nugget style and turn these "nuggets" back into actual "nuggets" of information rather than abbreviated training sessions.

We're going to tap into our special library of short SEO tidbits for the next 3 weeks. We're calling this our "Grain of SEO Gold Series for Jewelers"

Grain of Gold #1

Blogs are great. You should have a blog on your website because they really do help with SEO. Every blog post you create should be organized into a category or be associated with related keywords.

Many blog services, like Blogger and WordPress include the ability to display all those related keywords together. This is called a keyword cloud and in it the most commonly used words are larger than the words you use only once or twice.

Many websites still use those keyword clouds, but the truth is they are bad for SEO. Google announced some time ago that their system views those clouds as keyword stuffing, so don't use them anywhere on your website.

Keep adding related keywords to your blog posts but turn off the cloud feature for good.
AT: 12/13/2011 10:48:12 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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