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All Gold Ring Roads Lead Back To Your Store

There's a tactic we commonly use when creating AdWords campaigns that allows us to target online ads to appear to people who have already visited your website. The idea is that if someone took the time to browse through your website, they were probably interested in your jewelry, but weren't interested enough to purchase at that moment; so we keep showing them ads to make them remember the jewelry store.

This is a very successful strategy that Google AdWords has enhanced greatly in the last 12 months or so. Google explains the effectiveness in the fact that people are targeted with specific offers. These offers were not, and will never be, visible on the regular website, making the person feel like they found a special deal or even say to themselves "wow, thankfully I didn't buy that a day ago."

We're explaining this process because there is a real world parallel that you can enact in your own jewelry store very easily.

Here's how...

First, you need to set up your Facebook Business Page.

Second, you need to set up a Facebook reveal page. A reveal page only appears or "reveals" it's true content after someone clicks your Page's Like button.

Third, put your product catalog on your mobile website.

Fourth, collect email addresses from your Facebook Page, website, and a signup paper in your store.

These are the tools (or others like it) you need in place for this real world marketing strategy that will help capture some of that random holiday foot traffic.

When people are leaving your store without a purchase, you should invite them to become a member of your "inner circle" or maybe your "gold ring" or some name that indicates being a part of a special group. When they ask what's involved you can tell them that you have a mobile website with special offers, or an email signup with special offers, or a Facebook page with special offers.

Don't simply say "you can Like us on Facebook for special offers" because everyone says that. Everyone. The true test of marketing is to say the same thing as everyone else, but say it in a way that brings attention to you. "I would like to invite you into our inner gold ring of friends" sounds much better and way more interesting than "You can Like our Facebook page for special offers."

For the Holiday Season, your inner gold ring of friends will see whatever promotions you blast out to them. These offers could include free shipping, free bottle of jewelry cleaner, $50 off a purchase of $350 or more. You send these out via email, post them to the home page of your mobile website, post them to the reveal page on Facebook.

With each new gold ring announcement you can Tweet, FB Update, or G+ update and tell the public that there is a special announcement, but only your gold ring members can see it. Naturally it's easy to become a gold ring member by following the steps to your various signups.

Inside your store, you will need to preprint email signup slips for people to fill out. You only need their email and first name. Another tactic is to print business cards with your Facebook address and your mobile website. You could even include a QR Code to your mobile website to make it faster for the person to get online and perhaps bookmark your site.

It's important to verbalize that your mobile website will have "up to date holiday hours which will come in handy when you are looking to buy that last minute gift." Many people experience that last minute panic and if you plant the seed ahead of time they just might remember you already offered to solve their last minute gift problems.

By the way, e-commerce is not at all needed for the strategy explained here. Within each email and on the Facebook reveal page, you simply need to tell them to print and bring the offer into the store. You could also invite them to save paper by showing their cell phone screen in the store to receive the special offer.

All roads must lead back to your store. Whatever method you use to bring them into your gold ring, you then need to continue to invite them back in to the store.
AT: 11/01/2011 12:10:46 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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