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Tablets in Your Jewelry Store

Happy Anniversary to the Daily Golden Nugget! Any of you jewelers out there want to send us an anniversary gift?

Our first Nugget covered a very advanced topic that most of you hadn't heard of at the time: QR Codes

Today we're going to step into another new realm with an idea that you probably haven't thought of before: Tablets in your store.

The iPad revolutionized mobile technology in early 2010 and since then hundreds of companies have come out with their own tablets, many using the Google Android OS.

During our August 2010 Live Event 2 web broadcast we demonstrated how you could use an iPad as a sales tool in your store. At the time, we suggested using it for showcase displays, to display messages at your repair take-in counter, and the advanced idea to use it for your Lady's Night events where you could allow your lady attendees to easily create wish lists on the fly.

A year ago, we were also pushing the importance of mobile websites, which are finally catching on. And that's why it's now appropriate to explain this next idea.

Many vendors, both large and small, provide easy-to-use web-based sales tools. Some created password protected areas of their website that are specifically designed to be used as selling tools within your store. For example, a vendor could give you the ability to pre-set your retail prices so you can easily browse photographs and inventory availability right in front of a customer.

Some vendors, like Tacori, even have iPad apps so you can browse their entire collection with a consumer. Pandora has something similar.

Vendor websites and apps aside, what we really want your to know is how to use your tablet in your own store. However, it does require a mobile website, online catalog, a bit of work, and a lot of forward thinking.

Setting up a mobile website is your first step, but you need to take it beyond a simple site with contact information, store hours, and a list of brands that you sell. We want you to put up a full blown product catalog, and not necessarily because your customers will look at it, or even realize it exists; but rather because we want you to teach your sales people how to use it.

Contact your vendors and ask them for images and Excel spread sheets of product details. You really should have an upload feature of some type to make your life easier. The Excel sheet needs to have vendor style numbers, product descriptions, measurements, diamond details, and any other characteristic your vendor is willing to provide. All your jewelry and these details should be uploaded into your online product catalog and made available through your mobile website. Set up your website for a mass upload rather than doing it 1 item at a time.

With this mobile website enabled, your sales people will be able to use the iPad on the showroom floor to help the customer quickly get additional details about each item they might like. Is that ring available in 18kt gold or only platinum? The details on the mobile site could answer the question much faster than referring to a printed catalog or going to the designer's website.

We already know some jewelers have trepidations regarding mobile websites. The worry is that their mobile site could be browsed by a customer that's currently in another store. Honestly, we think you should welcome this practice. You can't always please everyone, nor can you always provide the best price. Your mobile product catalog is a marketing tool that can empower your sales team and your consumers.

What we really suggest is that your sales team not only use the iPad as a selling tool, but also show your customers how to get to the mobile website, and bookmark it on their own smartphone or iPad for future reference.

As always, drop us an email or give us a call if you have questions about this Nugget or you would like help strategizing or implementing these ideas. We're here for you.
AT: 07/27/2011 11:38:56 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
Confused and worried about your mobile website options? Click here to find out how to get your own website evaluation and a game plan to make it better.

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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
-Ann, Gallery 4, Hamden CT

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-Cheryl Herrick, Global Pathways Jewelry