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Increase Ranking on Your Video Pages

Ten Nuggets ago, we ended our short series on YouTube with the topic of transcripts. The goal of that YouTube Nugget series was to help your videos rank in Universal Search results.

But there's another benefit to transcribing your videos...

If you're going to take the time to make a video and upload it, most likely you're not going to let it sit all alone on YouTube hoping your customers will actually find it. No, in reality you should also be embedding your video into your website.

Many retail jewelers have large video libraries on their site. They are great educational resources and when you can show off visits to Antwerp or a South African diamond mine you are proving your local experience and superiority over all the other jewelry stores.

The typical format of a video library page on your website would simply include the video with a title. You naturally expect your visitor to sit there and watch your video, and they just might if you can get them to your video page.

However, most of the time these video library pages rank very poorly in Google because they have no written content other than the videos. After all the steps we explained to better rank your YouTube videos, it would be a shame to put them on a poorly ranked web page.

So how do you solve it?

Simply include the full transcript of the audio right below the video on each page. It's really that simple.

Video is always a lot of work, but it really pays off in the long run.
AT: 05/30/2011 11:38:37 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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