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Simply Smart Page Titles

Every page of your website has a page title. It's one of the most important ranking qualities for every page of your website.

The page title shows up as the most prominent words in blue on every SERP, and it's usually these words that will entice your potential customers to either click your link, or take a moment to read the description right below it.

Composing the perfect page title is not something you will learn overnight. Many people will write long page titles that mention all the topics appearing on that page. Some people will only write a few words.

Here are the guidelines that we follow when writing page titles:
1. No more than 67 characters
2. Try to write a page title that is as short yet informative as possible.
3. Try to mention a single topic in the page title.
4. If you must mention more than 1 topic use the pipe character ( | ) between the topics.
5. The hyphen character ( - ) can be used to create association between two words.
6. The most important words are the first 2. Don't use indefinite article words like "The" or "An" at the beginning of the title.

There really is no prescribed word limit, but the search engines have said they don't analyze very long titles.

We've also found that longer page titles with multiple topics tend to produce fewer clicks in the SERP. When the customer is presented multiple choices they tend to move on to more simple options that are presented.

"Diamond Engagement Rings, Round Solitaire Engagement Rings"

In this example the comma separates two topics. You would have to test your own click through results in association with your Meta Description, but we would prefer to use the pipe instead.

On the other hand, we would rather see you create a specific page about "Diamond Engagement Rings" and another page about "Round Solitaire Engagement Rings." Someone searching for "round solitaire" is more likely to click a page that is exactly on topic rather than take a chance on a page with multiple topics.

If you want to add a more compelling message, you could use one of the following examples:
* Round Solitaire Engagement Rings at Great Prices
* Round Solitaire Engagement Rings Within Your Budget
* Round Solitaire Engagement Rings of Perfect Value

One last point we should mention is that there is no such thing as a perfect page title until you achieve the number 1 spot for your coveted keyword phrase. However, just because you are #1 for one phrase doesn't mean you will be #1 for another keyword phrase.
AT: 05/03/2011 01:48:57 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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