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Change Up Your Link Bait Strategies

No one likes to read a boring sales letter, and surly no one stays on a website that is boring looking or has boring information.

Pizazz, humor, personal interest stories... these things will make your website interesting, and if you are lucky (or skilled) you will keep them coming back; better yet, they will share your link to their friends through Facebook and Twitter.

Use your own creativity and personality to engage your readers throughout your website and on your blog. But don't fall into a trap of using the same format over and over to post new entries to your blog. Change it up every once in a while.

For example, we've previously suggested that you post photos of new merchandise when it arrives in your jewelry store. Photos of the latest shipment of engagement rings would be interesting for anyone shopping for those rings.

But why not make those photos a little more interesting? Assuming they are settings without the center diamond, you could take several diamonds from your inventory and place them into the setting. Photos with different diamonds would not only be interesting for engagement ring seekers, but also serve as an educational page for anyone looking for real size comparisons of diamonds.

Your potential for online interest and internet lead generation is only limited by your online marketing creativity. If someone finds your website or blog post interesting, they surely will share it or link to it from their own blog.

If you find yourself at a loss for creative ideas, please feel free to steal our ideas because that's what we are here for.
AT: 03/28/2011 01:30:11 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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