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Good reasons to have multiple domain names and websites.

The topic of domain names might seem trivial and unimportant to you since you already have a website running with a domain name. But once you have your first website functioning, what will you do for your second site?

As we're stated many times in videos and online training, each jewelry website gets on average 45 visitors per day. The trick is getting them to get off their chair and come to your "general" jewelry store. But let's switch thinking for a moment. What if you were not just another "general" jewelry store; what if you had a specialty? Do you?

We've measured SEO results that show you can attract more business to a website that specializes rather than one depicting all-purpose or general-purpose.

Let's plant some seeds of thought right now. After your first website is up and running, depicting your business as a whole, figure out what you could "specialize" in as the basis for your second website. Then select a domain name that matches.

Do you specialize in engraving? Then find a domain name that says ""

Do you specialize in baby cups? Then find a domain name that says ""

Want to target a wider audience than just local? Then try ""

Do you have a replenishable source for low cost bracelets? Then try "" or ""

You could also use hyphens like this:

Since this stand alone website would focus on that single concept, it will easily gain authority status for your local market.

One final note, don't worry about misspellings of words any more. The search engines are smart enough to recognize misspelled words and return the corrected spelling automatically.
AT: 09/01/2010 01:48:09 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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