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Jewelry Webpage Title Tags

Every professional SEO will have their own opinion of the single most important factor that controls the appearance of your website in search results.

The one SEO factor that most professionals will agree upon is the importance of the page title tag. In the HTML code, these are the words you type between the and the tags.

Let's explore some ideas. And we'll stress IDEAS because this information is not actually confirmed by any of the search engines and is only formulated by agreements among opinionated SEO professionals... like ourselves.

The title of your page appears on the SERPs, and it's what your potential customers look at. Right below the title is a description of the page.

Your page title should not be deceptive at all. Don't make grand claims about your products or services since grand claims are always subjective. Instead, make them useful enough so the customer knows exactly what to expect when they click.

If your page is about Bellari colored gemstone rings, you may not actually want to use the name "Bellari" in the title since that's not a well known designer line. You could instead have a title of "Colored Gemstone Jewelry" which says exactly what is on the page.

Google will see this title and have no choice but to categorize your page as one with information about colored gemstone jewelry. When someone searches for that phrase, you would have a good chance of appearing in the SERP since you've stated your title as a single topic.

On the other hand, if you have a title of "colored gemstone jewelry and diamond rings" this title is a little more confusing. Google might want to classify your page as being about both colored gemstone jewelry and about diamond rings. Unfortunately, this will cause a dilution in how the SERP works. Will your page show up when someone searches for "colored gemstones" or when someone searches for "diamond rings?" Google will have to further analyze the page and figure out if users will be satisfied with the gemstone information or the diamond ring information.

The title of your page should be no longer than 67 characters, but we've found in our own testing that shorter is sweeter. You should state in a few words as possible what the page is about, and the more important words should appear close to the beginning of the title.

Before you start tweaking and testing your page titles, make sure you first look at the current ranking of your page. Then change your page title and wait several days or even several weeks. Your waiting time depends on how often Google rereads your pages.

Keep checking the SERP for your changed page title. If your page increases in ranking, great; but if your page drops, you need to change your title back immediately and try again once your ranking comes back.

There's no real magic method to getting your page titles written correctly. You have to test it constantly until you are satisfied.
AT: 02/22/2011 11:28:36 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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