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What is Your Bounce Rate?

Google would like to make 1 thing absolutely clear: They do not use your Google Analytics account to help with ranking your jewelry website. However, they do use your Bounce Rate.

The Bounce Rate is a measure of the number of people that visited your website and immediately clicked the back button to leave. If 10 people visit your website and 2 of them click the back button, your Bounce Rate would be 20%.

According to several videos and reports from Google they do use the Bounce Rate of your website as a ranking signal, but they do not get it from your Analytics account. Instead, they are somehow using JavaScript to monitor when someone clicks a link from the SERP, visits your site, then immediately returns back to the SERP.

They track these bounce rates as a measure of quality. Their goal is to provide the most relevant answer to someone's search query. Even if your website is perfectly search engine optimized, if the bounce rate is still high, you will drop from the first page search ranking.

The average bounce rate for jewelry websites is pretty horribly - around 52%. This is a very high average, and much higher than many other industries. Very few jewelry store owners are optimizing their websites right now. We expect to see this national average drop as more jewelry stores begin to understand the importance of their website.

The bounce rate that Google measures from their SERP is not as accurate as what you will find in your Analytics account. They are measuring bounces from the SERP, but your Analytics should be the true bounce rate according to all sources.

Review your own bounce rate; if it's above 32% you need to work on your website. Lowering your bounce rate requires understanding of how your users click, what they look for, whether or not they think your photography is good, and many other factors.

If you are completely confused about your bounce rate, it would be best to just hire an expert to help you.
AT: 01/28/2011 11:28:44 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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