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Google Wonder Wheel

What is the one keyword phrase that you would love to rank #1 for above all others?

If you can answer that question in less than a second, then either you've already done your homework or you're wrong.

Truthfully, no one can ever claim they know what keyword phrases are best for their website unless they've done a lot of homework. Sure, you might want to say "engagement rings," but we'll tell you to go back to the beginning and look for something different.

The phrase "engagement rings" is what we refer to as a "trophy phrase," in that it's the trophy you see and hope to win. However, it's very unlikely that "engagement rings" will be your "money phrase," which is the actual phrase that brings you the most traffic and the most sales.

The only way you can figure out the money phrases for your website is to do some investigation of the right keywords for your business. The process is known as keyword research and there are many expensive tools available to help you figure it out. However, we prefer all the free tools that Google provides, and they have a really interesting visual tool for you right on the Google SERP. It's called the Wonder Wheel.

The Wonder Wheel gives you a visual representation of how Google has organized phrases and it's even fun to play with. Here's how:

Go to and search for the phrase "engagement rings".
On the SERP page, click the down arrow next to "More search tools" in the left margin.
Once the menu expands you should click "Wonder wheel"

The new screen you see should display a solid circle with various spokes showing associated keyword phrases.

The following were phrases we saw on our spokes when writing this Nugget:
* Jewelry stores
* Debeers
* Tacori engagement rings
* Engagement rings new york city
* Engagement rings new jersey
* Zales engagement rings
* Tiffany engagement rings

Additionally on the bottom left of the web page we also see:
* wedding rings
* diamond rings
* wedding bands
* promise rings

If we were actually a jewelry store, we would choose "engagement rings new jersey" as a potential money phrase because it's a 4 word phrase. Once you find a 4 word phrase, you'll have a good starting point to concentrate further research using other keyword tools.

Once you have a good list of keywords, make sure to use them throughout your website.

Oh, and if you want to have some fun, click on one of the keyword phrases at the end of one of those spokes on the Wonder Wheel.
AT: 01/11/2011 11:17:13 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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