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Testing Your Mobile Website for Dumb Phones

The past few months have seen a huge surge in recent blog posts and news articles about the mobile website. Perhaps 2011 will be the year mobile websites really come of age and awareness.

There's actually a domain name extension specifically for mobile websites too; it's .mobi.

As of today there are very few mobile websites that completely mimic their PC siblings. In fact, most of the time, a mobile website is rather simple and only has basic contact information or product and service information on it.

The last time we checked, there were reports of 54 million smartphones in the USA, but there were also reports of at least an equal or greater number of non-smart phones. Keep in mind that even a "dumb" phone is still able to surf the internet.

As your website company plans out the design of your new mobile website, make sure that it will work on smart as well as dumb phones. Also note that every phone manufacturer supports websites differently, so programming for one phone will not look the same as on another.

During the testing process, you should view your mobile website on your phone with the style sheet disabled. The goal is to make sure your mobile jewelry website is still usable even if the style sheet is disabled or not supported.

As long as you can reasonably use the your mobile without the style sheet, your customer will be satisfied.

It's actually the dumb phones that will randomly not support style sheets and nice looking websites, and many of them still have text-based web browsers.

Testing your mobile website without a style sheet is the best way to insure functionality of your site for the broadest range of cell phone users.

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TFYQA and have a great day.
AT: 01/06/2011 11:13:57 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
Confused and worried about your mobile website options? Click here to find out how to get your own website evaluation and a game plan to make it better.

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