Google can't read your images. It can't figure out if the image is a ring, a bracelet, a charm or a staff photo.
A photo gallery of images will not rank will in the search engine results page unless you include some really good descriptions of the images directly adjacent to the photo. But that's a lot of tedious work and you surely don't have time describe dozens or hundreds of photos on your website.
Generally speaking, a large photo gallery is never going to rank well in the search engines. But each individual image of the photo gallery has a fighting chance if you give it some word love. But again, it's a time issue.
Here's what you can do: Add a comment feature to every photo within your photo gallery. We're not talking about the Facebook comment box; rather, a real ability for people to leave comments. Then create a game or contest that requires people to leave comments in the photo gallery.
The community will build your long descriptions and it might only cost you a $50 gift certificate. You would pay way more than $50 to pay someone to do it for you, and certainly your time must be worth at least $50 per hour.
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TFYQA and have a great day.