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Tips to Write Copy, Part 2 of 4

This is a continuation of a 4-part series providing specific instructions and examples of how to write effective copy for your website and emails.

Each day we're providing you 3 tips.

4. Offer more than one freebie with purchase.

It's so easy to throw in a bottle of jewelry cleaner. That's why you have them stacked behind the counter in a cute pyramid. But let's step up your sales game and make the customer feel really special. What if you had 2 pyramids of stacked jewelry cleaner? One small bottle and one large bottle. You could advertise a free small bottle of jewelry cleaner with all purchases, but then as a closing tactic you could offer the larger instead. However, a better way to insure repeat purchase is to surprise them with the larger bottle saying something like, "We're giving a free small bottle of cleaner to all customers for the holiday season, but I'm giving you the larger bottle so she knows you were extra thoughtful." (Or something like that.)

Other low cost freebies could include a cleaning cloth, or a certificate for a free cleaning, or a certificate for a free prong check. If you print a certificate make sure it DOES NOT specify "this entitles the bearer to a free cleaning, free prong check, etc." Instead it needs to say "Gift Certificate for 1 Jewelry Cleaning" or "Gift Certificate for 1 Prong Check." Make sure to include an expiration date 1 year from now.

Naturally those free certificates will not to work if you have a sign in your window stating "FREE Prong Check on All Jewelry."

You should be able to come up with a few more ideas for low cost freebies. If you sell online simple include the freebie items automatically in the shopping cart during checkout, but don't include them all. There's nothing better than opening the shipping box from an e-commerce purchase and finding an extra item inside!

5. Include Five Real Opinions

For your website or email, make sure to include real testimonials from your customers. They can be written, audio or video. In December 2009 the FTC changed the guidelines for publishing testimonials. Their guidelines refer to publishing "results-based testimonials" in other words "do this and follow their example and the result will be great." (In other words, the types of testimonials you would like to see from us.)

In your case, you could have testimonials about how great the staff is, how great their shopping experience was, or how happy someone was because you had a lollipop and a toy to occupy their child. These types of testimonials are not based on results.

On the other hand, if you make custom jewelry, you might need to comply with the FTC. Here's how: Create a survey of basic questions with answers on a scale of 1 to 5. Have every custom design customer answer the survey and post the results on your website next to any testimonials. The survey will provide the "typical" results to comply with the FTC.

6. Note That Readers Have a Short Attention Span.

Various statistics say 7 seconds, 6 seconds, 11 seconds--regardless, you have an extremely short amount of time to grab the attention of your consumers. If you don't have a headline that is provocative, or answers the question on top of their mind, they will click away.

Your headline is the most important part of your message. Write it AFTER you write the rest of the sales message in your email or web page.

(on a side note: USA Today and Iowa State University have attempted studies to figure out why our attention span is so short. They didn't have hard conclusions other than pointing fingers at video games or maybe multi-tasking. But one of our industry associates is a camera operator for several TV networks. He once told us that it's common knowledge within that industry that MTV pioneered the 3 second video "take." In other words, show something for 3 seconds and switch to another angle for the next 3 seconds. This "3 second take" technique didn't exist before August 1, 1981. So perhaps MTV is the root of all short attention span evil.)

We've probably lost your attention so let's continue with 3 more ideas tomorrow.

Until then, google TFYQA and have a wonderful day!
AT: 10/28/2010 01:47:52 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
-Ann, Gallery 4, Hamden CT

"...serious kudos to you. We love your straight talk, pertinent information and plain language. I don't know how many industries have something of jWAG's caliber available, but I learn from the emails every day. Really, really nice work, and very appreciated."
-Cheryl Herrick, Global Pathways Jewelry