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Tactics for writing blogs

Are you aware of all the little nuances of Internet Marketing that could improve the conversion rates from your blog site to the main area of your site where you make money?

Internet Marketing is a learned skill. Even with many years of experience in traditional media marketing, you couldn't possibly know the how's and why's of Internet Marketing. We're giving you a few easy ones below.

By now, you should have an established blog set up. We hope you have it on your own website rather than a Blogger or WordPress account. Here are some tactics that you should be employing in each of your blog posts.

1. Your main headline needs to be the largest words on the page.
2. You should break up your blog entry into subsections with a sub-heading for each.
3. Headings and sub-headings should be in a Sans Serif font. Good choices are Impact, Tahoma Bold and Helvetica Bold.
4. The rest of the body of your entry should be in a Serif font. Good choices are Courier New (believe it or not), Georgia and Times New Roman.
5. Use plenty of whitespace so your page doesn't look crowded.
6. Make sure you begin each sub-heading, paragraph, bullet line item, and number line item with enticing words that users will notice when scanning.

Speaking of paragraphs, remember in grade school when they said you should have at least 4 sentences per paragraph? Well, the people who wrote those rules didn't have 3 second attention spans and didn't use compute screens (and they are also long dead). Forget those rules! Those rules kill conversions!

Break up your page into smaller 2 or 3 sentence paragraphs to increase whitespace and readability. The shorter paragraphs also help slow down scanning, and increase retention of your information.

Your hope is that every website visitor will give you money. On average there are 45 visitors to a small retail jeweler websites every day. That's 45 people who could be putting money in your till if you could get them to convert somehow.

No one online wants to read long paragraphs. Everyone wants to scan for just enough details to satisfy their basic interest. If they are truly interested they will read the whole thing. In fact, we're lucky if you are reading down this far in this Nugget!

If you did make it down this far, please add a comment or at least click the Facebook Like button.
AT: 10/19/2010 11:22:43 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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