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Testing Keywords with your Google AdWords Campaign

Last week we mentioned keyword research again, and currently during our Holiday 2010 Run-Up ( we are posting a full list of the standard keywords you should be using. It took 2 years of research data for us to easily make up that list.

If you don't have our handy dandy list, you'd have to wait a few months to watch organic traffic to your site to generate the same list.

To speed up your keyword research, and also take all the guess work out of the way, then you need to have paid online advertising through some PPC system.

With Google AdWords, you could create several dozen ads to quickly test specific keywords. You can easily identify useless keyword phrases before you spend time and money on SEO keywords that are nothing more than epic failures.

Testing is important in all SEO efforts. But sometimes, you also need to allocate test money that will not have any financial return. Spending $400 to $2000 on a test campaign is a good idea since it will give you a lot of solid research data of your own. It also saves you a lot of money in labor/consulting costs in long term SEO efforts for your site.

No real action plan today. We just wanted to introduce you to an idea that helps with keyword research very accurately.

Before you try setting up a keyword research campaign like that mentioned above, set up another test campaign simply to help learn how it all works. We really don't like to see jewelers jump into AdWords on their own because the slightest mistake can cost $50 or more per day. The best ways to learn are trial and error or paying a consultant to guide you through the process.
AT: 10/11/2010 02:28:13 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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