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It was easier when we all had a 14" computer screen.

Designing websites used to be so easy. The standard was 640x480 on a 14" computer screen. Then 17" was the standard at 800x600. Then 1024x768.

Unfortunately it's anything by simple now.

Our data research tells us that there are between 42 - 48 normal screen sizes that visit jewelry related websites every month. You will usually see the 1024x768 resolution in the list near the top with about 20%, but that's far from a standard now.

In your Google Analytics you should check out your own statistics. From your Dashboard click on Visitors on the left, then under that click Browser Compatibility.

Take a look at the sub-options for Browsers to see what your visitors are using. Is Internet Explorer still #1?

Then take a look at the Operating Systems and don't be surprised if our see iPhone, Android, Blackberry and iPad in there below Windows, Macintosh and Linux.

And finally take a look at the Screen Resolutions to see the 45ish different types of screen sizes that view your website. All the screens with a 400 or lower in the number are mobile devices of some type. All the really big numbers are computer geeks with big screens on their desks.

You might be interested to know that more than 40% of jewelry store owners still use 1024x768 even though the national average for that resolution is lower than 20%; and more than 75% of retail jewelers use Internet Explorer even though we track about 44% of your customers using that browser.

The Gold Nugget bottom line is that you need to share this information with your web designer next time your site is being redesigned. These details will help guide the designer to accommodate the highest percentage of users for your site.

It's important to note the number of users with smaller screen resolutions. As the quantity of users grow, so will the need to produce a separated mobile website.
AT: 08/19/2010 10:41:20 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
Confused and worried about your mobile website options? Click here to find out how to get your own website evaluation and a game plan to make it better.

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