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How to correctly build content and internally link when using Silo Structures

Now that I've given you the basic understanding of the silo structure as explained yesterday, I want to dive a little deeper into internal site linking between pages of the website.

Achieving higher website credibility for your website now has a lot to do with making your website very user friendly. Although website "user friendly" topics usually talk about the website design and navigation, there's another very important factor that both helps your visitors and should gain higher ranking for you.

This important factor, of course, is internal linking between pages of your website. I'm not actually referring to normal side or top menu navigation linking, but rather the linking between pages of your site from within the body copy of each page.

When you write a blog about halo engagement rings, you should include a photo of that type of ring but also a link to one of the product detail pages for one of those actual halo rings you have listed in your online product catalog.

Someone reading your halo ring blog will want to see a photo of a halo ring and they might be interested enough to click another image/link to see product details in your catalog.

In yesterday's discussion about silo structure, I used the example of 5 different engagement ring types. I used Halo, Pave, Vintage, Solitaire, and Three stone as those 5 pages and grouped them into the Engagement Rings silo. To further reinforce that silo structure you could add another page to your site that compares those 5 ring types together. That comparison page could show photos for each, a brief description, and then one link to each of the 5 ring pages, i.e. 5 links in total.

Here's what happens if you follow that example...

1. The comparison page becomes part of the engagement ring silo.
2. You reinforce the importance of the 5 individual pages as part of your engagement ring topic with links from the comparison page.
3. You are giving Google another page to consider as part of your engagement ring topic, which could boost your credibility on that topic.

Now, linking from one page of your site to another should be done in a subtle way so visitors can follow if they want to. Visitors on jewelry websites are more inclined to click on image links than text, so take every opportunity available to always link those images.

Every page you add to your website today becomes a potential linking target for tomorrow. When you link from one page to another (without using image links) you have the choice to use any anchor text for you link. The anchor text you choose will help rank your site for those words but need resist the temptation to reuse the same words over and over in your linking.

As you build the content for your site, and link between pages, you always have to keep your silo structure in mind. If you spend a lot of time creating the architecture of your silos then you don't want to poke holes in them because you created a disorganized web of internal links. Always place new content within the navigation tree of the appropriate silo, and internally link to other pages within that silo.

This Nugget brought together the importance of the silo structure of your website, continual content building, and internal link building. Tying these three things together takes a lot of time so don't be surprised if it takes more than a full day of work to write a blog post then connect all these dots together.

AT: 10/16/2013 04:56:03 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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