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High Velocity Link Building is Bad

High Velocity Link Building is Bad 10-daily-golden-nugget-709There's a little bit of anticipation every time you make a change to your website home page or add another post to your blog. Will people notice your website change? Will search engines see the new blog post?

The daily average visitor traffic to jewelry store websites is pretty low, and there's not much of a chance that people will notice a new blog post or a website change unless you point it out to them. Simple methods of announcing the change include sending your customers a link to your new blog in an email, and you could share a link to it on your Facebook Page, Google+ Page, and Twitter account.

I've measured the frequency of which Google, Bing, and Yahoo will crawl your website based on the number time you share your blog socially and the velocity at which you share. Google will find your new blog posts very quickly when you share a link to Twitter. The Google search will find your blog post even faster if you share it to Google+.

Bing seems to discover new blog posts quickly if you share a link to your blog to multiple Twitter and Facebook accounts at the same time.

On the other hand, Yahoo doesn't find new blog posts through social sharing unless you share the same website link more than 14 times in a single day across multiple social media networks.

Sharing a link to your blog post socially is a simple form of link building, and it does alert search engines that you have new content that needs to be read and indexed. But social sharing will not provide valuable link building with anchor text; for that you need another blogger or some other reputable website to link to you with real words rather than just a website link address, i.e. a URL.

People will eventually link to you if you write high quality blogs, but it takes time. You might be tempted to shortcut your time by hiring a company to artificially build links for you. Although once a common practice, this is now a very bad idea because the search engines will be able to measure the artificially inflate speed at which your website is acquiring links.

If a website or a blog post will gain popularity it will usually happen slowly at first, followed by a rapid buildup, and then a leveling off. This popularity can be measured by the number of people who link to the website and the number of people sharing the website socially. You could potentially see this effect if your jewelry store did something newsworthy.

Newsworthy blogs could attract local newspaper attention, online attention, and even a brief listing in Google News. The attention gained from trusted news websites will trigger many people to suddenly link to your website. This sudden linking won't look spammy to search engines since the source of the sudden online activity can clearly be tracked.

The bottom line of today's Daily Golden Nugget is that link building is still a good, and common practice for most businesses; but you need to allow those links to build naturally over time instead of paying an SEO company to build links rapidly.

AT: 04/11/2013 01:13:00 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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