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Tis the Season to Go Evergreen

Tis the Season to Go Evergreen 9278-daily-golden-nugget-616A blog can serve a variety of purposes. Actually a blog has so many purposes that WordPress became popular because how easy they made it for a blog to be used in flexible ways.

Here are some ideas of how you can use the blog on your website.
1. It can be used to post information about upcoming events.
2. The blog can have updates on the latest jewelry styles you have in the store.
3. It can tell stories about happy customers.
4. You can post educational information about jewelry to your blog.

This list could be endless as long as you have endless creativity, but I'd like to tell you how the above 4 examples would influence your visibility in search results.

1. Blogging about events.

As part of the planning and preparations for your next event you should write out all the details on your blog. Make sure you include the who, what, when, where, and whys of the event. As you write out the "when" make sure you include the full date of the event, as in December 3, 2012 rather than 12/3/2012, 12/3/12, or 3/12/12. Blog posts with the month written out seem to have more repeat visitors every year when that month comes around again.

The full details of the event should include the names of the designer brands that your customers can see during the event, including specific style items if possible. If it's a charity event you should also include a brief write-up of the charity. And if the event will be attended by a celebrity (national or local) make sure you put their name in the blog announcement as well.

2. Blogging about the latest styles.

This is an easy one to do every time you receive new inventory. Use your smartphone to take photos of each item as you unpack the jewelry and check the packing list. Pick the items you like the most and post each photo to your blog with a brief description of the new item. Use the designer name and the style number in the blog post.

3. Blogging customer stories.

Be thankful for customers with the gift of gab. Write down some notes when you hear their engagement stories and gift giving stories. Blog about them later.

4. Blogging educational content.

Want to teach your customers about the 4C's or Birthstones of the Month? Write educational articles on those topics and post them to your blog.

With the exception of the events, everything you write in your blog should have an "evergreen" quality to it. Unlike news websites and technology websites, the information you post to your jewelry website will be relevant year round, every year, thus it's evergreen.

Even though the event information is specific to a particular event, the extra detail you included about the designer, charity, or celebrity will attract attention every month, with higher traffic spikes every year when that month comes around again.

You should blog as much as possible, but even if you don't blog every week, you can rest assured that the evergreen blog posts from last year are still attracting new website visitors over and over again.
AT: 12/03/2012 09:14:01 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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