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Jewelry Website Mobile Usage Statistics

Jewelry Website Mobile Usage Statistics imageTo close out the week of mobile website topics, I would like to give you some statistics about mobile device usage from my own measured data.

My goal for today is to see what type of mobile device is more popular and what is the most popular content those users are reading.

My measurement sample was 135,675 pageviews across more than 100 jewelry websites of different types and sizes, making it a truly generic sampling of jewelry stores.

Here's how the operating systems were measured:

22,746 pages viewed by iOS/Apple users
7,463 pages viewed by Android users
244 pages viewed by Blackberry users
2 pages viewed by LG users
15 pages viewed by Nokia users
19 pages viewed by Samsung users

Clearly this shows that users of Apple devices are more inclined to visit a jewelry website.

Page views only tell us how many times people click; let's look at the average time on each page...

1 min 24 seconds per page on average by iOS/Apple users
2 min 52 seconds per page on average by Android users
32 seconds per page on average by Blackberry users
0 seconds per page on average by LG users
31 seconds per page on average by Nokia users
8 seconds per page on average by Samsung users

Surprisingly this second measurement shows that Android users spend more time on a website than an iPhone user.

On the surface you could say that the Android user is more willing to spend time on your website and perhaps you should tailor your website functionality for an Android. The total man hours measured for Android users was only 356.5 whereas the iPhone user clocked in at a 530.7 man hours. Android users might have deeper interest, but iPhone users spend more time.

Let's examine the content they are viewing...

Product Catalogs: 13427 iOS pageviews vs. 4283 Android pageviews

About Us: 812 iOS pageviews vs. 333 Android pageviews

Contact Us: 362 iOS pageviews vs. 169 Android pageviews

Store Hours: 334 iOS pageviews vs. 140 Android pageviews

Directions: 116 iOS pageviews vs. 72 Android pageviews

In all cases the Apple iOS devices far surpassed the Android in usage. Product catalogs are the most popular content by far.

I don't have any actionable words of advice with this data, it's just interesting to review and it should reinforce the importance of having a mobile website, or more specifically, a mobile website that can show a product catalog.
AT: 10/05/2012 07:10:04 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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