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Jewelry Store Email Marketing Ideas

Here are some email marketing ideas that will boost sales in your jewelry store.

One of the most powerful ways to grab someone's attention via email is to send them an email on their birthday and anniversary with the simple subject of "A special Birthday/Anniversary Wish From Your Jewelry Store."

Many of you reading this probably have customer relationship software that tracks birthdays and anniversaries. There are several direct mail marketing companies that will take your customer information and send out batches of post cards every month for all the birthdays and anniversaries.

When it comes to email you NEVER want to batch send all the emails to everyone with a birthday in that month. The better strategy is to send individual emails on the actual day. Inside that email you can offer a free gift or perhaps a discount off jewelry with their birthstone.

Anniversary email should also be properly timed to send on their actually anniversary date. Many online services have automated emails for birthdays, but few have automated email services for anniversaries. Make these messages creative, sentimental, honest, and you could include an in-store offer.

Alternatively you could offer the happy couple a coupon for a free meal at a local restaurant, but they have to come into the store to receive it. For deals like this you should make special arrangements with another local, family owned restaurant. Don't pre-pay for the meal, set up an account with the restaurant instead and pay for the meals that people actually redeem.

Other than email marketing on special dates, you should send out a regular informational newsletter to all your subscribers. These newsletters shouldn't simply be a sale announcement or a product announcement; instead you should use it as a way to maintain your brand awareness through what is known as "content marketing."

Content marketing is the process of writing something informational about your brand, services, and products. Most people will automatically think of "blogging" as the de facto type of content marketing, but in reality anything you publish online and offline is part of the content that helps to establish your brand.

Tying your content marketing into your email marketing is easy, as long as you think about it the right way. Here are a few examples of how to tie them together:

1. Running a newspaper ad? The newspaper needs to be catchy, but there's probably a lot of information you could say about the items shown in those ads. Write an associated blog post about the newspaper ad and publish the ad and the blog together on your website. Send an associated email with a photo of the item and the first part of the blog entry. Use a "read more" link to bring the person to your website.

2. Are you running a contest through your Facebook Page? Send an email announcement to explain the details of the contest with a link to the Facebook page.

3. Thanks to ancient traditions you also have a built in monthly option to send an educational email about the birthstones of the month. Naturally this educational email should also be posted to your website.

Hopefully these examples will help you come up with a few of your own. Email marketing is powerful, but you have to get started and stick with it.
AT: 09/18/2012 04:33:50 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
-Ann, Gallery 4, Hamden CT

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