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5 Things Jewelers Need to Know About Remarketing

Here's a boiled down cheat-sheet of what it takes for a jewelry store to get started with Google AdWords Remarketing.

I recommend hiring a marketing company that has experience with Google AdWords. They will help save the aggravation of getting this to work for yourself. A good company would work through these steps with you.

1. Look at your Google Analytics account for the usual Exit Pages where people leave your site. Try to figure out why people leave after looking at those pages. Determine if you can create a marketing campaign around those reasons.

2. In Google Analytics, look at the page path people go through on your website. This is in the Audience > Visitor Flow area of GA. Identify a few combinations of pages that people visit that you would consider potential quality customers.

3. Create Google AdWords Remarketing tags for those page combinations and activate them on your website. The activation process may include placing specific JavaScript code on individual pages, or you can use site wide features with more generic JavaScripts that you add to the global footer of your website.

4. You will need to have a set of 9 banner ads for each remarketing combination. Remarketing is meant for very specific target marketing and there's no sense going through all this work unless you also have different creative ads to target each of the page combinations you're created.

People who visit the bracelet catalog area of your website should see ads relating to bracelets. Those who look at loose diamonds should see your loose diamond ads. Ads from different targeting should not bleed over unless the person was tagged into more than one list.

Creating 9 banner ads for each remarketing combination will take several hours. If you're doing this creative work in-house, you need to give your artist between 10 - 16 hours for each set of quality banner ads. If your marketing firm is doing this then you need to expect a larger than normal creative artwork bill from them.

Google AdWords can be expensive. AdWords Remarketing drastically lowers this expense so don't be afraid to spend the money on creative artwork.

5. Launch your ads and track the response rates. Once your ads are active you need to use Google Analytics to track the effectiveness of the ads. but there will be verbal customer clues you also need to track...

Make sure all your staff is trained to listen for phrases like this:
"I saw your ads everywhere"
"You must be spending a lot of money on advertising"
"I needed ______ and suddenly I saw your ads appear on a website."
"I searched Google and saw your ads on a lot of websites for a while."

Permutations of each of those phrases are said all the time by customers who never realized they were being tracked. You need to pay attention to this if you're hoping to measure a true ROI.

In conclusion, I'll say again that I do not feel a retail jeweler should venture into Google AdWords alone. The interface and features change way too fast for most people to keep up. Larger jewelers with dedicated in-house website teams might think they can do this, but I highly caution against that too.

It's much easier to hire a team of AdWords people to trust your marketing dollars to than to have a single employee in-house
AT: 08/01/2012 11:51:44 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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