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Blogging: You can make their proposal memorable.

The last time we analyzed the percentage of organic visitors to jewelry websites from the various search engines was July 12, 2011. Back then here's how the top 3 engines stacked up.

Google: 89.7%
Yahoo: 4.2%
Bing: 3.8%.

When we recently measured on February 22, 2012 we found this breakdown of organic traffic sources:

Google: 82.5% (expected leader)
Yahoo: 7.9% (wow, this one is still beating Bing)
Bing: 7.6% (new player and likely enhanced by Facebook users)
AOL: 1.1% (geesh, people still use this?)
Ask: 0.6% (amazingly still alive) 0.3% (never really caught on; obvious names don't always work!)

Remember, these numbers are only measured against websites for retail jewelry stores. Google is losing ground while Yahoo and Bing are gaining, but then, Google's numbers would have to go down if any of the others increase.

It doesn't really matter which of these engines your customers are using because they will still read the SERP looking to find answers to their questions.

When thinking about organic SERP ranking, you might be inclined to optimize your website for typical jewelry stores terms like "engagement ring," or "wedding bands," or "diamond ring," because that immediately makes sense.

However, you will never really know where or when someone in love decides it's time to ask the question. Before they search online for "engagement rings" they might start their search by looking for "proposal ideas" or locations.

Wouldn't it be great if your website appeared in the SERP a search for proposal ideas? It could happen if you have the right content.

Here an idea for a blog entry on your website...

Compile a list of proposal locations in your town that you would recommend. Choose them for their romance, scenery, uniqueness, or any other reason. Just make sure to explain the reason, and even provide a photo (especially if scenic) and a map.

As you write this, make it personal rather than presenting it like a professional, somewhat sterile Wikipedia article. Use your own words and describe the location as if the reader is standing in your store giving you their undivided attention.

Make sure you include the town name, streets, and any landmarks as part of your blog entry. As part of their continued local SERP efforts, Google Search will relate this location information to the physical location of the users.

Don't try to sell your engagement rings in this blog; in fact you don't even have to mention anything relating to "visit Smith Jewelers for your engagement ring." Assuming your blog is part of your website (rather than Blogger or WordPress) the reader can easily click into other areas of your site if they are interested. Anything else will make them realize this is an ad and will turn away.

This is a soft sell approach through content writing. The reader will remember you if you've given them truly good recommendations on how to make their proposal special.
AT: 03/05/2012 11:10:14 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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