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Important Pages for Rushed Mobile Users

Our Daily Golden Nugget from Monday this week caused a bit of controversy when we gave a list of the most popular pages viewed on mobile devices. Read the Nugget here:

What surprised our readers the most was that the Directions, Contact Page, and Store Hours fell so low in the list. We've assumed for quite some time now that mobile consumers would be most interested in contact information, but Product Catalog pages far outpaced everything else on mobile.

We decided to go back to the drawing board and review a different sample of our captured data. This time we concentrated the Exit pages of mobile jewelry consumers, and the amount of time someone was on the site before they left.

There's a big caveat that comes with the statistics below. Since we rushed through this analysis, we couldn't 100% accurately split the data between users who needed quick information compared to those casually browsing on their device.

These are the top 5 Exit Pages for customers casually browsing a jewelry site on their mobile device. Since we don’t have exact percentages, we're just listing them in popularity order.

1. Home Page
2. Catalog pages
3. Specific product page
4. Designer Line pages
5. Diamond Search/Info pages

Much of our research is hinting to customer movement away from the desktop PC in favor of a private mobile device. Smartphones are so easy to use now, and 71.2% of mobile users are hanging out for a while.

But what we really want to know today is what was the last page viewed by that other 28.8% of mobile users. Surprisingly we only found 9 specific page types.

Exit Page percentages for mobile users with a purpose (i.e. rushed):

31.49% Home Page
16.75% Events Page
15.08% Store Hours Page
12.56% services pages*
9.55% Contact Us Page
6.20% About Us Page
3.02% Directions Page
2.68% education pages*
1.01% Testimonials Page
1.68% other

* The services and education pages percentages represent a collection of pages that belong to those categories. The rest of the results show percentages for those specific pages.

These numbers parallel our expectations more closely. We expected that mobile users are actively trying to find you, or find out something specific, and perhaps immediate.

The Events Page was a surprise for us. Do you have one of those on your own jewelry site?

We do track a specific page for Store Hours, and it's been more popular than the Contact and Directions pages since 2008. The Contact Us page has your telephone number and the low popularity of the Directions page might simply mean people are relying on their GPS for directions.

The bottom line of this Nugget is that you need to add the Events and Store Hours pages to your website if you don't already have them. Then you need to spruce up your Services, About Us and educational pages. These actions will help attract the mobile consumers who are in a hurry and probably on their way over to your store right now.
AT: 02/29/2012 11:02:45 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
Confused and worried about your mobile website options? Click here to find out how to get your own website evaluation and a game plan to make it better.

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