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Using Image Names to Attract Visitors

Here's an easy way to improve the SEO of all the jewelry photos on your website.

Managing website photographs can be a daunting task. The initial photography is usually tricky. Slower computers cause a lot of frustration when you try to save them on your hard drive then view them. Uploading photos to your website also seems to take forever. This is what we all go through, and at the end of the day we just want to walk away from the computer.

We'd like to make a suggestion that will improve the SEO of your images by a lot, but it will also add to the amount of time you spend working on your images.

Typically the digital photos from your camera are names PIC000123.JPG or IMG_123.JPG or something similar. To increase the SEO value of your images you should rename each one using a few words like the following examples.

If you have a diamond engagement ring with a halo setting you should rename it from "PIC00123.JPG" to "diamond-engagement-ring-halo-setting.jpg". This is a very descriptive file name and Google will understand what the image is and include it in the Google image search.

Visitors to your website will increase if you do that. It's going to be tedious to rename all your images this way, so we suggest starting with the jewelry styles that you reorder, or the styles you really want to sell. Ultimately you should use descriptive photo names for all your jewelry styles shown online.
AT: 01/03/2012 11:30:17 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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