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Basic Explanation of Google's Panda Update

We follow news and blogs from a few jewelry industry websites, groups on LinkedIn, Twitter conversations and articles from Instore Magazine and MJSA. When we see something interesting, or perhaps a developing trend, we try to pay attention to it and report back on it here.

We're hoping that you value the SEO education and real world evaluations of websites, mobile websites, and how you can use them.

In other words, we're hoping you value us as experts in our field, and that the website is an excellent resource for you.

Other jewelry industry sources have yet to take on the challenge of explaining how Google ranking has changed since February 2011; instead, they stay with familiar topics of Facebook, Twitter, Google Places, and marketing ideas. Maybe it's because the changes are too new and no one wants to admit they are confused.

Well, folks, WE ARE CONFUSED. All SEO experts are confused and no one wants to talk about the 800 pound Panda in the room.

Through recent SEO trade shows and recent interviews of Google top employees, the changes in Google are starting to become clear, and we're going to explain only one of them today.

First, let's introduce you to some new words in the lexicon used by the SEO industry. "Panda Update" is the official name for the changes Google implemented this year. Navneet Panda, an engineer at Google, developed a new way for Google Search to learn what would be a good website vs. a bad website using a machine learning method that would be able to somewhat simulate how a real human would judge a website.

The idea is amazing, and completely different from everything that Google has done in the past. Instead of having live people try to judge quality of a website and adjust ranking, they managed to give a large part of the task to the computer. It worked. In February, when the first Panda Update was unleashed, there were hundreds of websites that vanished from Google's SERPs.

Some of the Panda Update methodology is starting to be understood. We're also a little surprised to find out that Panda is not used every day within the Google Search system, but rather it's a filter to sift through the chaff of websites... on a regular basis.

The Panda Update has attacked at least one more time since it was unleashed from the zoo in February.

Now that you have the basic background of what the Panda Update is, over the next few days we will examine some of the recently publicized ways to prevent getting attacked.

One of the things Panda tries to determine is if the information presented on your website is trustworthy.

Would your customer trust the information they read on your website?

How can you be so sure they will?

As we said at the beginning of this Nugget, we are hoping you trust the information we present. We gather a lot of data and a team works on each day's Nugget.

For your own website, we suggest that you, the primary retail jewelry store owner, put your name and reputation on every blog post and article published.

This is all guesswork at the moment because it's too early to test it, but if we're interpreting this ( ) Google blog correctly, then Pappa Panda will look favorably upon blogs written by experts of their field.

We know you hate writing blog posts, but you really need to do it, and you really need to take ownership with your own name when you do.

Go forward and fight the Panda!
AT: 07/01/2011 02:00:25 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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