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Diversity of Link Sources May Surprise You

Officially, Google does not want you to ask other people to link to your website. They want the linking process to be 100% natural, as in, if you write good information on your website someone will eventually link to it.

Websites with a long history eventually gather random links from the strangest of places. It's not uncommon to do a reverse link check and find links from forum websites. One recently found example was on a gaming forum where two users were arguing over jewelry. To support their point of view, one of the gamers posted links to a 4C's of diamonds page we happen to be tracking.

The better quality information on your site becomes a random link magnet for random people, not even related to jewelry. All these links eventually build your credibility.

Another great aspect of this type of random linking is the diversity of domains that link to you. A greater diversity of links from different domain names is much better than having links from 10 different pages of the same domain name.

So the next time you site down to write a blog entry or an extended educational article about jewelry, you should make sure to also include specific details about who you are and what your store is all about because you never know who will find it and link to it.
AT: 03/14/2011 12:18:20 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
-Ann, Gallery 4, Hamden CT

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