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What is the Purpose of Your Web Page?

Every page on the web can be classified as one of four types:

* Brand - Information about your name brand product or service that is very similar to other pages on the internet also talking about your name brand product or service.
* Informational - These types of pages are meant for educating the reader.
* Navigational - These types of pages are either landing pages, or pages on your jewelry site that help users decide where they want to go next. The navigation could be through text links, or photographs. On jewelry websites it's a good idea to use quality jewelry photos for navigation through landing pages.
* Transactional - Product catalog pages and shopping cart pages are designed to make a sale. Another type of transaction would be a newsletter sign-up or filling out a contact form.

It might surprise you that after years of monitoring search engine traffic, Google has figured out how specific phrases or words relate to one of the above 4 web page types.

When someone searches for "1ct solitaire diamond ring" Google will return a SERP filled with organic and paid ads that lead to product catalog pages. This is a Transactional result.

When someone searches for "buying diamond ring" Google will return a SERP loaded with diamond buying articles and educational information. This is an Informational result.

Then a search for "buying tacori ring" will return a Google SERP with various online Tacori resources. Some are online catalogs, but most are about Tacori and what makes them special. This is a Brand result.

Triggering a Navigational-only result is difficult, if not impossible. Each of the above 3 examples had navigational pages among the results. Google will supply navigational results based on previous user experience.

As you build every page of your jewelry website, you need to keep these 4 page types in mind and ask yourself what is the specific purpose of each page. You should rethink any page that seems to have a mixed purpose.

If you can't figure out how to classify your pages, Google will have a hard time, too. It is our opinion that the more you make Google work, the lower your ranking will be.
AT: 01/26/2011 11:00:16 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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