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SEO: Long Tail Keywords

The Jeweler Website Advisory Group officially opened in January 2010 and built up its reputation throughout the year by providing SEO basic techniques and website advanced marketing ideas. This week, we went back to basics and will continue more of the same next week.

As alluded to yesterday, today we are going to tell you a little about long tail keywords and how you could put them to use on your site.

As you work on your website, you might think of specific words or phrases that you believe customers will search for. Unfortunately, your customers will rarely fit into the nice pigeon hole you would like to place them in. Instead, they will arrive at your site in some unusual ways.

Maybe you want to rank for "engagement rings" but your customers will flock to your website using the phrases "gold ring engagement wedding" and "princess engagement wedding ring" instead.

These long phrases are referred to as "Long Tail Keywords."

The point of our example is that your customers will arrive through more nontraditional paths than you can conceive. The only way to discover these true paths is by examination of your Google Analytics or your web server logs.

Yesterday, we mentioned that you could use 4 or 5 words in the left navigation of your website. Those long navigation links are actually long tail keyword phrases and if you do your job correctly, they have the SEO power to sway search results in your favor.

There are two other good ways to gain traction for long tail search results. The first is to write good content on your site that uses the long tail phrase in a sentence and the other is to get a link from another website that uses the long tail phrase as the anchor text.

Naturally, it's much easier to write your own good content than to beg someone else to link to your site with specific keywords.

That concludes 2010 for us! We wish you all a Happy and Safe New Years and we'll see you in 2011. Until then, remember to TFYQA and have a great weekend.
AT: 12/31/2010 09:21:23 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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