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LinkedIn Company Profiles

Last week we gave you 5 days of information about LinkedIn. We're covering a lot of information and this is unexpectedly turning into a mini course about LinkedIn. We're taking this long approach because LinkedIn is a popular social network that many people don't understand. We hope you are finding this useful and we look forward to feedback. By the way, we welcome all feedback even if it's to call us idiots when you disagree.

After reviewing the information covered already, we realized we mentioned something briefly about company information on Tuesday last week, but never went back to talk about it; let's do that now.

When you were editing your current job listing you probably saw a screen that said "Create a Company Profile for {jewelry store name}" and we assume you skipped past it. We want to go back to that now, so go back to the Edit Profile screen and click the tiny "Edit" link next to your current job at your jewelry store.

Once on that screen, don't change anything; just click the blue "Update" button. The next screen should ask you to create a company profile. Put in your email address and click the box to verify you are an official representative of the company and then click the blue "Continue" button.

The next screen will give you options to upload 2 different logos and fill in a company description. This is where you want to list all the services you offer and the names of the designer lines you carry. Don't forget to answer all the questions with red asterisks that are in the right margin.

Once you click the light blue "Publish" button on the top right of the screen, an official company profile will be created for your store. The next time you want to edit your company information, you can do so by clicking the word "Companies" from the main menu at the top of every screen.

By going through this process you are further establishing your presence on LinkedIn, and you also prevent someone else from claiming your business. Assuming each of your employees also sign up on LinkedIn, they should all use the same company name so things connect together properly.

In tomorrow's Nugget, we will continue our discussion with making connections.
AT: 12/20/2010 10:38:33 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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