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Your Final Holiday Story-Time

This is the last in our series of Daily Gold Nuggets explaining how storytelling through your emails, blog or Facebook posts will build better long term (buying) relationships with your customers than direct advertising.

This story should be sent out after Christmas, but before you take your usual winter vacation break.

You should be writing from home with friends and family around you. Share a special event or perhaps something funny that happened over the holiday. If your readers have followed the first 5 stories, they are already predisposed to following through to the end.

As mentioned previously, if your holiday was uneventful then recount a story from a previous year. Your story could also include your plans for New Years Eve festivities. Wish them the best conclusions of their holidays and a happy New Year.

You've provided your readers with a series of 6 messages ranging from Thanksgiving through New Years. They've been regaled with feeling, witticisms, family stories, employee stories and mafia-offers in hopes to create a strong bond with your customers. This is a time of the year when people are more open and warm to bonding to begin with.

This is a once-a-year marketing strategy that you can employ from this point forward. Next year, you'll have to come up with new stories and the timing of the emails will have to be adjusted to account for the change in holiday days. There is once strategic change in planning for the 2011 stories; don't make the mafia-offer as good as this year. If the strategy worked in 2010 you will have a lot of readers in 2011, so don't lose all your profits in the last days before Christmas.

Have a great weekend and remember TFYQA.
AT: 11/12/2010 09:06:56 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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