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Sending Facebook Updates

A little more than a week ago, we reported through these Nuggets how Facebook could zap you if you didn't follow their rules. One of those things is sending too many emails to your Facebook friends from your personal account.

There is however, a way to send out an "update" to all the fans of your Business Page. You can even target the specific people to send to. Here's how...

Go to your Business Page.
In the left margin, under your image, click "Edit Page."
This will take you to the Management Page, where your Basic Information will be showing.
Now click on the "Marketing" link in the left margin to get to the screen that says "There are many ways to Promote Your Page."
Click on "Send an Update"
The next screen will look like an email compose screen, but it has a subtle difference.
You will see the "Audience" is already pre-set as "All people who likeā€¦."
Click the next checkbox down for "Target this update" to expose your targeting.

This next part is important, so pay attention.

You need to correctly target your message. Too many Page owners simply blast out their message to their entire list even though only a fraction would be interested. Facebook considers your message spam when you knowingly send a message to your list when it should be targeted. Remember, recipients still have the power to report your message if you annoy them enough.

Okay, so select your country from the drop down list.
Next we suggest you send out your email targeted by City, but you could do it by State/Province. Click the radio button for either of those options.
In the next field down simply start typing the state name or the city name and it should auto-appear right below the field. You can click the auto-name or you can simply press Enter if it's correctly selected. Keep typing in the states or the cities until you covered your geo-targeted area.
Next option down you can select to send to Male and/or Females.
And, of course, you can select the Age range to target.

Finally, type the subject and message and click the dark blue Send button.

Your message will only be sent to the people within the geo-targeted demographics you specify. Many jewelry industry professionals have fans from all over the country, and the world. It doesn't make sense to send all your updates out to your full follower list if only a handful of them would be interested.

Although we enjoy hearing from our own customers, perhaps these simple directions will even cut back on the amount of page updates we get regarding charity events in Illinois, or one-day sales in Washington, or even invitations to visit stores in the UK. We're in Totowa, NJ so the next time you want us to know about something you can simply include "Totowa, NJ" on your city list.

Oh, one other thing. The better targeted your messages are, the more frequently you can send them out. Keep that in mind and perhaps we'll talk about that in tomorrow's Daily Gold Nugget.
AT: 11/03/2010 10:28:39 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
-Ann, Gallery 4, Hamden CT

"...serious kudos to you. We love your straight talk, pertinent information and plain language. I don't know how many industries have something of jWAG's caliber available, but I learn from the emails every day. Really, really nice work, and very appreciated."
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