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Holiday Video Planning Starts Today

When it comes to SEO, time is very precious. It's ticking by very quickly and if you want your website to be functioning correctly for the holidays, you need to take action before September 30.

On Friday last week, we explained a strategy of writing a description of your holiday inventory and having your webmaster post it on your website. Today we are continuing with a different spin of this idea.


As soon as your holiday inventory arrives, you need to film a video presentation of each item you are serious about selling. Production studio camera and sound quality is not needed, but lighting is very important.

You have several choices to shoot your video: Digital camera, Flipcam, or Cell Phone.

Your audience will forgive poor audio quality as long as the video image is good, and the jewelry colors are true. The easiest way to achieve true color is to film your video in diffuse sunlight, or near direct sunlight.

Don't film in bright sunlight outside because most non-professional cameras will overcompensate and produce a dark recording. Try filming on an overcast day or by your front window when the sun is not shining through.

Your goal is to record short presentations and a description of the jewelry. Don't be boring or drone on and on about the same details. Simply show the item, state the details, mention the designer and style number, demonstrate someone putting it on and "sell" it like you would if someone was standing in front of you. Be sure to articulate in order to ensure correct SEO.

The video should not be more than 90 seconds long, but if you need a little extra time, don't exceed 2 minutes.

If you are using a Flipcam and the Flipshare software, you can easily add a background music track to make it sound slightly professional.

Try to create 20 videos. Post 10 of them to your Facebook Business Page and the other 10 to your YouTube account.

When you post each video to Facebook, include a URL to your YouTube account so they can find the other 10 videos; likewise, when posting the 10 to YouTube include the URL to the video tab of your Facebook Business Page. Of course you need to make sure your Facebook and YouTube accounts have a URL reference back to your website.

Finally, take the embed code from YouTube and include it on the product pages you wrote this past Friday.

This might seem like a convoluted strategy, but the directions here will generate additional search engine visibility and ultimately more traffic.

Just like regular web pages, these videos will take time to be found in search engines, and you need to get started on this now.

HINT: You could record these videos first and simply transcribe them to create the copy needed for the directions given on Friday.

DISCLAIMER: The above video approach was derived from previous experience we've had. Please review your own data for your site if you have it. Do not make any financial judgments based off this information, it's only meant to help you strategize your advertising efforts. Hindsight is always 20/20 and what we see from previous studies does not mean the same thing will happen for your site... Google TFYQA and have a great day.

DISCLAIMER: To protect the investment from our Gold Subscriber we have limited access to our extended series of Daily Nuggets regarding the Holiday Season. Gold Subscriptions are only available to 1 retail jewelry store per zip code. Please call 888-872-0274 for more details or visit
AT: 09/20/2010 02:12:16 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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